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时间:2023-06-15 09:40:04


原创 影音学翻译 梦里翻译梦外见



01 @健身房

What are you doing?一航:我不干嘛呀我 What do you mean?小远:你说你逞什么能 What are you trying to prove?一航:我逞能还是你逞能啊I could ask you the same thing.小远:真是好心当成驴肝肺 If only I knew ungrateful you’d be…一航:你是不是特喜欢写私信撩别人啊Do you like hitting on guys via instant messaging?小远:我明白了 I see.一航:你别说半截话, 把话说清楚 Finish that sentence. Don’t keep me hanging.(吊胃口,To leave one in an unsettled state or without some kind of resolution.

02 @一航家门口

小远:俩字儿俩字儿往外蹦是吧 Would it kill you to say more than two words?一航:多谢探望,慢走不送Thanks for coming. So long.(so long是“再见”的非正式表达,表示在一起的时间到此为止,类似中文中的“就这样吧”。经常用在跟对方有比较长的时间不能见面的情况下,有点类似中文的“后会有期”。)……一航:又想安排我是吧 You’re hooking me up with people again.(hook someone up with someone:to arrange for someone to go out with someone.)我心理有病 I’m a nutcase.(n. a crazy person)小远:谁稀罕跟你联系Who says I want to catch up?

03 @小远家门口

一航:你趁我酒劲还在,你让我先说 Best let me speak first before the alcohol wears off.我怕我刚把我的真心掏出来我就死了I’m afraid that I’d die right after I open myself up to someone.(To speak candidly; to reveal one's inner thoughts or emotions. Often followed by "with/to someone.")我所有的原则像不响不臭的屁一样被我给放了。My so-called principles, like all my pain-in-the-ass negative energies, just got blown away.(a very annoying thing or person.讨厌的人或事物,令人头大的人或事物)小远:你有那么大魅力吗Who the heck do you think you are?活着就不是一件容易的事 even being alive wasn’t something you can take for granted不要以为你当个丧人很酷You think that cynical attitude of yours is badass?(a. & n.<美俚>到处惹是生非的(坏蛋))又想狡辩是吧What, you’re gonna disprove me again?

04 @医院

小远:你以为你在拍偶像剧啊 What tuity fruity soap opera is this?一航:那就当我在拍偶像剧呗 Whatever works for ya.小远:快给我滚 Get out of my face now.幼稚 You’re such a baby.一航:大人才考虑傻不傻,小孩只考虑能不能变成真的Stupid is for grownups, we kids only care if we can make them come true.

- To be continued -




